Hemporium’s farming partner, Rapula Farming, cultivated hemp as part of a 3 year Commercial Incubation Research Trial permitted by the Department of Health and coordinated by Dr Thandeka Kunene of House of Hemp. The trials have been important in learning how to reach economies of scale, evaluating different varieties and learning how to grow Hemp as an agricultural crop.
Legislation has been amended in order to create a hemp industry. Sectors that have been identified as focal points for South Africa are:
Job creation will be a natural spin-off from the introduction of this new industry. In essence, hemp could help alleviate three of South Africa’s most pressing issues:
Although industrial hemp is a cousin of the psychotropic dagga (marijuana), it is cultivated in totally different ways.
Typically the industrial varieties of hemp have less than 1% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana), while smoking-grade cannabis has anything from 5 to 25%. Smoking industrial hemp will give you nothing more than a headache.
Alone, hemp is not the solution to all the planets ills, but is rather part of a growing trend, towards sustainable responsible living that could ultimately lead to a reverse in global warming and a greener, healthier planet.