Yiza Ekhaya Hemp Building Work Party

Yiza Ekhaya Soup Kitchen is a feeding scheme in an underpriveleged area of Cape Town, where Mickey looks after hundreds of community members on a daily basis.

Now Mickey is getting an extension  to her premises, and best of all – it’s made from hemp. Hemporium and architect Wolf, who previously collaborated on Cape Town’s other hemp building projects, got together to build a hemp extension to Mickey’s soup kitchen.

A work party was hosted, and it was awesome to see how many volunteers of all ages and backgrounds turned up to help with the building.

We all had a great time learning more about this innovative eco-friendly building method. Visit the the Yiza Ekhaya Soup Kitchen page for more info & help provide hemp nutrition to those who could really benefit from it by clicking here.

tony & wolfvincent & boywolf stirring mixerbig group of volunteers installing shuttersemptying bucket girl drilling volunteer tamping volunteers tamping tony filling gapswall & framesinging kiddies